Brigette Easter
Brigette Easter, RDH, BSDH, CDHC, is a native of Mount Airy, NC, a small town nestled in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She has 26 years experience in the dental profession as a dental assistant and registered dental hygienist. Brigette’s dental hygiene career has manly been in the clinical setting but she also served as an adjunct dental hygiene faculty member for several years at Forsyth Technical Community College with an Associates of Science in Dental Hygiene from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and with a Bachelor’s of Science in Dental Hygiene. She also received a certification as a Community Dental Health Coordinator from Catawba Valley Community College. She currently works full time as a clinical hygienist for a private practice in Winston-Salem, NC.
Brigette has a passion for dental hygiene and enjoys sharing her passion with her colleagues, future dental hygiene professionals, as well as members within her community and is a lifelong advocate for her profession. She has volunteered at several free dental clinics throughout North Carolina, including the North Carolina Missions of Mercy. She is also a strong advocate for the dental hygiene profession and is a proud professional member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA)!
Brigette has served in many roles within the North Carolina Dental Hygienists’ Association (NCDHA). In addition to being the current President Elect, she has also served as Vice President and Secretary as well as several leadership roles within her local component. She also serves as the current Communications Chair for NCDHA and her local component, as well as a Delegate for North Carolina at the annual House of Delegates for ADHA.
In her personal time, she enjoys scrapbooking, learning her genealogy, spending time with her family, her significant other Jonathan, friends and traveling.